¿Víctima de phishing? Te ayudamos | ES | ENG
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  • Fecha: 29-03-2023
  • Palomar Abogados


A judge sentences Banco Santander to pay 2,577€ to our client from Gandesa after having suffered a Bank phishing
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On November 27, 2022, the Gandesa Court No. 1 issued sentence 138/202, upholding the claim for compensation for damages filed by Palomar Abogados in favor of a victim of a bank phishing, and sentenced BANCO SANTANDER S.A.  to compensate him in the amount of 2,577 euros and to pay him the costs of the claim.


The aforementioned amount of €2,577 had been appropriated by the cybercriminal, through a deception or phishing action, from the bank account that our client had opened in BANCO SANTANDER, S.A., through a purchase using the credit card number. BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. completely ignored what happened, and the affected party opted to put itself in the hands of our law firm specialized in banking law.


At Palomar Abogados, after assuming the legal representation, we filed a legal action for compensation of damages alleging that the civic responsibility for the loss of our client's money corresponded to BANCO SANTANDER, S.A.  , since such a signature authentication system implemented by the bank suffered from a security breach.


We have the pleasant satisfaction of having helped our client to recover money that should never have been taken from her, and all the more so due to the fact that, since BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. has been ordered to pay the legal costs, the claim has not entailed any economic cost for her.


If you have been the victim of a phishing case, go to Palomar Abogados. We are specialists in bank phishing. We recently had an interview on CADENA SER in which we explained the characteristics of the claim. You can listen to it here:




We will examine your case without obligation, we will offer you our diagnosis, and you can count on us to help you claim your money.



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