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  • Fecha: 15-12-2023
  • Palomar Abogados


A court sentences Evo Banco to pay our client 5,980€ that was stolen by a bank phishing.
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On December 13, 2023, Valencia Court No. 27 issued sentence 371/2023, declaring the civil liability of EVO BANCO and condemning the financial institution to compensate our client for the amount of 5,980 euros that had been stolen from his account due to a breach in the bank's security system.  


We attach the sentence to this post, so that you can see its full text.


In September 2022, an EVO BANCO customer received an SMS from a cybercriminal, which was accompanied by a phone call with caller identity theft, through the application of the technology called "telephone spoofing"; In this way, the mobile device of the bank user receiving such a call showed exactly the same telephone number as the one belonging to EVO BANCO's Customer Service, 910.900.900, which created an appearance that the contact received really came from EVO BANCO.  


Thus, the cybercriminal, applying social engineering techniques, and pretending to be an employee of EVO BANCO, used the pretext of protecting the bank customer to illegitimately capture the full numbers of their debit and credit cards, as well as their PIN codes. He then stole €5,980 from the victim through two online payments made by payment card from the multinational commercial provider SAFE CURRENCY.COM.


At Palomar Abogados, through our legal defense, we were able to demonstrate with solid factual and legal arguments that EVO BANCO was solely responsible for the objective breach in the operation of the bank's customer authentication system.  


We are proud, once again, to have recovered from our client what was illegitimately taken from him; on this occasion, the substantial amount of €5,980 and the legal interest accrued on that amount since the filing of the lawsuit; Moreover, we are particularly pleased to note that our client has not incurred any costs for claiming his money in court, since EVO BANCO has been judicially ordered to assume, by express provision of the aforementioned sentence, the costs of the legal proceedings.


If, as a customer of EVO BANCO, or any other entity, you have suffered a bank phishing, go to our professionals. At Palomar Abogados we are specialists in this area of banking law, and we provide legal assistance to our clients with the utmost professionalism and rigour, as endorsed by the sentence we have been obtaining and you can check on our website.  We recently had an interview on CADENA SER in which we explained the characteristics of the claim. You can listen to it at this link




Contact us. We will study your case without obligation, and if you wish, we will assist you legally. Put yourself in our hands and we'll help you claim your money.



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