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Error en la conexi�n a la base de datos:


  • Fecha: 15-11-2023
  • Palomar Abogados


In november 2023, a client from Valencia recovered more than 7,400€ for an unauthorised transfer after claiming with Palomar Abogados
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In August 2023, a BANKINTER customer in the province of Valencia had suffered a phishing scam consisting of two unauthorised bank transfers with a total amount of more than €7,400.


The cybercriminal, who had previously hacked a term of the affected person, sent him a deceptive SMS message, and then made a phone call pretending to be a Bankinter employee; In the course of the telephone conversation, the fraudster persuaded the bank customer that he needed to confirm certain coordinates card passwords in order to resolve an incident affecting the security of his accounts; The latter, in good faith and thinking that he was dealing with BANKINTER, handed them over.


As a result, the cybercriminal, once the coordinates had been appropriated, made two transfers charged to the account of the affected person, for the respective amounts of 4,710 uros and 2,570 euros


After putting ourselves in the hands of the professional law firm Palomar Abogados, we prepared an out-of-court complaint letter in which we technically explained to the bank the reasons why BANKINTER was civilly liable for the economic losses suffered by its client, and only that bank was responsible for the defective operation of the customer authentication system.


In the aforementioned letter, we demand the immediate payment of the amount debited from the customers' accounts, warning BANKINTER of the imminent initiation of actions before the Courts.


The professional assignment we took on was a complete success. Both the negotiation approach made by Palomar Abogados against BANKINTER, and the way in which we executed it, led BANKINTER to deal with the out-of-court claim and pay our client the full amounts of €4,710 and €2,570 that the aforementioned unauthorised transfers amounted to, as well as the commissions unduly applied by them. You can check it out in the document attached to this blog.


In short, the client recovered the entire monetary subtraction, obtaining an amount of more than 7400 euros.


At Palomar Abogados we are experts in bank phishing claims, with numerous favorable sentences obtained throughout Spain.


We recently had an interview on CADENA SER talking about Banking Phishing and the characteristics of this claim that we offer you so that you can listen to it here:




If you've been the target of bank phishing, don't hesitate to complain. You should know that the Courts have been ruling mostly in favor of those affected, as we show you in the sentence obtained at Palomar Abogados, which you can access on our website.


Contact us and explain your case. We'll help you claim your money.




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